
The City Speaks #30

The City Speaks #30

The idea of the “Grand Mnemonic” derived from The Cosmological Origins of Myth and Symbol…

The City Speaks #29

“Algomantra” coined by Rohit Gupta.

Stalked by Aishwarya Arumbakkam

Unspoken, Ignored, Misrepresented: Giving a Voice to Victims of Stalking

Filmmaker Aishwarya Arumbakkam portrays the trauma of stalking victims in a series of photographs to be exhibited in Bangalore this week. Details inside.

For Ladies

Real Development

It seems like the fate of a development studies student is to be cynical and dissatisfied in an educated but distant way.

Bringing Up Uncle

Bringing Up Uncle

Growing up, no one showed me how to shave in a hurry or sleep with women without falling in love, and that sort of deprival lasts a lifetime.

Girls of Chennai

Girls of Chennai

I wish every girl in the world could grow up in a city like this, a city that doesn’t frighten her.


Keeping It Simple

An exclusive interview with Anand Ahuja, founder of bhane., a global-minded clothing brand with an Indian heart.

Rochelle Potkar

Mic Check

Seven budding storytellers from Mumbai speak to us about what they love most about performing their stories in front of an audience.