
The Virtue of Visibility

As a woman, you are never entirely independent and detached; everyone has a stake in keeping your freedom in check. And they will never let you forget that.

An Alternate Fairy Tale

In real life, you don’t get to have your cake and eat it too. Because it makes you fat.

Courtesy: Conversations

Wait for the right person, the right backdrop, the right season, the right beverage, the right theme, the right everything.

Don’t Cross Your Lakshman Rekha

The ambiguous Lakshman rekha from the Ramayana symbolises the many boundaries imposed upon female sexuality while growing up.

Playing a Losing Game

Story books can glorify immolation in the name of love, but what they don’t tell you is that love kills in softer ways.

The Dawn of Opinion

Hyperbole and extremism are taking centre stage in almost all public or private discussion, compounded by the influence of suspect role models and modern pop culture.

City of Blinding Truths

Mumbai teaches you ignorance, regardless of whether you live in the tallest luxury tower or a tent on the sidewalk.

Unreelistic Expectations

We all know that violence in films desensitises people to violence in real life, but what about romantic comedies?


His story was nothing new, I guess, to most working in the “biz”, but to me, it was quite repellent.

Native Alternative

‘Culture’ is a word flippantly used by many of us without ever assessing the impact of such a loaded word.

Good Indian Girls Don’t

A not-so-samajdar-beti decides to take a year off from academia, fly off to the city of her birth, and start working on her first novel.

Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice?

Madhuri Banerjee, author of bestselling novel Losing My Virginity and Other Dumb Ideas spoke to us about her book, love, lust, and what losing one’s virginity might mean to people in India.