
Myntra's Anouk Advertisement

An Unseemly Truth?

Are positive gay images hiding an unseemly truth? A look at Myntra and the politics of their ‘lesbian ad’ for Anouk.

"Oh, those Calcuttans."

A Nobody, a Nation, and a Few Fugitive Comprehensions

Did my leaving India bind me to it in a way that staying would not have?

The Ramayana Syndrome

The Ramayana Syndrome

What would happen today if an attempt were made to project on T.V. a different version of the Ramayana?

The Show Must Go On

It was all a show and these people were here because this political rally provided better, more tangible entertainment than the T.V. at home.

The Dawn of Opinion

Hyperbole and extremism are taking centre stage in almost all public or private discussion, compounded by the influence of suspect role models and modern pop culture.

Progress, No Matter the Cost

Narendra Modi is a master strategist who is almost obsessively dedicated to his role as Chief Minister.

Book Review: The Goat, the Sofa, and Mr. Swami

A book that gives you stitches in the stomach and plants a deep sense of discomfort in your mind.

Backstage with Jalabala Vaidya

An exclusive interview with leading playwright and actress Jalabala Vaidya, owner of the Akshara Theatre, New Delhi.

So Tweet

A lighthearted glance at the recent controversy surrounding that ever-so-handsome politician, Shashi Tharoor.