In Neeraj Ghaywan’s Masaan, sex is young and brand new; it is curiosity and desire all wound up in wires and technology and Facebook and computers. Death, in contrast, is old and ceaseless and long.
Even when a larger-than-life portrait of Ambedkar is looking over you, there is only so far the love story of a lower caste boy and an upper caste girl can go.
Chris Smith’s The Pool is a narrative of survival, not triumph; of life, not drama. Released in 2007, it is everything that Slumdog Millionaire was not.
In Man of Steel, by shifting the focus to the essential human conflicts faced by Superman, Zack Snyder automatically draws viewers closer to the superhero.
Open Show India offers a way for photographers and multimedia producers in the country to remain in contact with the contemporary vocabulary of image-making.