
The City Speaks #10

The City Speaks #10

This page (#10) completes the first arc of The City Speaks. (More to follow next…

Shrunken Heads

The Tourism of Grief

Dark tourism—travelling to places associated with death, pain, and suffering—is the dirty little secret of the tourism industry.

Kama Sutra

Kama Sutra Lost

My mom has thrown away my Kama Sutra book. At least that is what I think happened to it.

Mahinn Ali Khan

Letters of Love

In conversation with Mahinn Ali Khan: writer, archivist, and innovator.

Photograph by Jaideep Unudurti.

Northern Lights

“Welcome to Sweden, you lunatic,” says Karl. I’ve just landed in Stockholm, where the temperature is a bracing -19 degrees Celsius.

Sacred Cows, Indispensable Women

Sacred Cows, Indispensable Women

Even in a country as inherently classist as India, a lower class man has far more power than an upper class woman.

Cigars in Cuba

Rolling Cigars in Havana

A cigar festival is held in Havana every year and cigar tasting tours, as well as tours to nearby tobacco plantations, are extremely popular.