
The Other: Part Two

Women have inspired most great works of art, thus becoming the muse, the very core of the history of art borne out of great men.

The Other: Part One

Gender differentiation has played a significant role in hailing masculine art as ‘great’ or ‘serious’ and reducing so-called feminine art as the ‘other’.

The Experimental Nomad

An exclusive interview with acclaimed abstract artist Anjali Sinha about her work and the art scene in India.

Art, Cash, and the Summit

Is art being created any more for art’s sake? Who or what can determine the price of a piece of art?

The Tiny Red Nose

An exclusive interview with Ashwath Bhatt about clowning and the Theatre Garage Project.

Culture Jamming

Striving to uncover the truth hidden beneath layers of advertising euphemisms.

Life Imitating Art

Author Paritosh Uttam talks to us about his debut novel, and the virtues and pitfalls of an artistic temperament.

Supercute Superheroes

When was the last time Wolverine made you go ‘awww’? Have you ever wondered what…

Tell Me the Answer

It is raw, it is raucous, it is vitriol. It is anarchy, mayhem, a new world order. It is a revelation, unveiling the interchangeable voice of a messiah and a murderer.


What exactly is worthy of being called art? What distinguishes an ostensible piece of art from an everyday artefact?

Today’s Bollywood Actresses Don’t Impress M. F. Husain

Acclaimed artist M. F. Husain isn’t terribly impressed by today’s generation of Bollywood actresses. In…