
Illustration by Nirupa Roy

Sex, Stories, and Power Trips

We are being told a story; one that elevates downright misogyny to the revered status of Indian Culture.

Words for a Silent Space

Male Justice has marched on undaunted, and mutated into more potent and prurient forms.

Reporting Rape

That a woman is raped every few minutes in the country is more than just a statistic for us crime reporters. It is our bread and butter.

The Virtue of Visibility

As a woman, you are never entirely independent and detached; everyone has a stake in keeping your freedom in check. And they will never let you forget that.

Let’s Slutwalk

Women are heading countries and scaling Mt. Everest, but apparently they still can’t decide what to wear.


His story was nothing new, I guess, to most working in the “biz”, but to me, it was quite repellent.