Nirica Srinivasan

Nirica is a writer and illustrator. She likes stories with ambiguous endings and unreliable narrators.

7 Articles Published | Follow:
Annie Zaidi

A Brief Bit of Magic

In conversation with Annie Zaidi about her love for theatre and playwriting, where The Comeback came from, and the trust and solidarity that the arts require.

Alina Gufran, author of No Place to Call My Own

A Sacred Private Practice

In conversation with Alina Gufran about her debut novel No Place to Call My Own and how her experience as a filmmaker helps her write better.

Gigi Ganguly

Open Worlds, Organic Truths

In conversation with author Gigi Ganguly about her love of wordplay and Biopeculiar, her new collection of stories that explore the natural world.

Dharini Bhaskar

The Promises of Possibility

In conversation with Dharini Bhaskar about playing with time, space, and agency in her latest novel Like Being Alive Twice.

Tashan Mehta

Time and Space and a Complicated Place

In conversation with Tashan Mehta about looking at the world through fresh eyes, talking to her past self, and the process of building new worlds from the ground up.

Siddhartha Deb

Fever Dreams and Buried Truths

In conversation with Siddhartha Deb about his novel The Light at the End of the World, the ethics of fictionalising real-world incidents, and how the fantastic can illuminate the real.

Praveena Shivram

Fertile Ground in Grey Spaces

In conversation with Praveena Shivram about fluidity in worldbuilding, reimagining mythology, and transcending binaries in her debut novel Karuppu.