Insertpen Namehere

The writer wishes to remain anonymous because she watched 'X-Men' earlier today and is waiting by her microwave, cellphone in one hand, for the mutation to kick in. And, you know, she doesn't want to choose sides. She's working in a "kickass" media house and feels very "kickass" about it. In her spare time, she likes to play 'Baba O'Reilly' on the piano and imitate Ranbir Singh's dance moves in the song 'Ainvayi Ainvayi'.

5 Articles Published | Follow:

Lucky Cheng’s

I’ll say it again: Drag Queen Cabaret Bar. Sizzle!


The world makes its own music. And when we try to be in harmony with others, we forget the tune we started out humming.

A Day of Shakespeare in the Park

Helena and Bertram proclaimed their love for one another under a sky filled with fireflies, over a lake filled with dreams.

I Get by with a Little Help…

How do you make friends when you’re living alone in a strange, big city?

Staccato on the Streets

Perhaps, this summer is going to be one of self-re-discovery. Perhaps, I could love the city after all.