Contest: Crossroads
Urban Shots: Crossroads is a new collection of short fiction from Grey Oak Publishers. Edited by popular author Ahmed Faiyaz, the Crossroads anthology explores the “conflict, chaos, and confusion” in the lives of interesting and colourful characters in urban India.
The collection is selling fast in stores across India and features stories by Paritosh Uttam, Reeti Gadekar, Sharath Komarraju, Malcolm Carvahlo, and a number of popular bloggers and debutant writers.
Answer the following question correctly, and you could be one of five lucky winners to win free copies of Urban Shots: Crossroads, courtesy of Grey Oak Publishers—
Which of these is the editor’s pick from the Landmark Grey Oak Urban Shots Competition 2011 for the Crossroads anthology?
(The last date for entries was March 14, 2012. Winners will be announced shortly. The winners of our previously held Haruki Murakami 1Q84 contest are Piya Jayarajan from Mumbai and Jayesh Sabarad from Hyderabad. The correct answer to the question is, of course, ‘Norwegian Wood’. A big thanks to everyone who participated in the contest and congratulations to the winners!)